Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Life doesnt come with an instruction manual

Today was a bit of a bad day. Today I wanted the day to be over. Today I wanted an instruction manual that said "Do this, this and this and that, that, amd that will happen and you will feel this.", but life doesn't have one of those, oh how different, easy, predictable, uneventful, boring and underwhelming life would be. At least then I wouldn't have days like this. Life is a sign post with to many signs to see, print so small you can't see, and you never are allowed down the roads allocated to each sign as no one lives in the same way and everyone has to carve thier own road in life.

Life is an information board with no information on it (like the one above, which i saw as I walked along the beach today), Life is like an instruction manual in every language except the ones you can speak. This can make life magical, beautiful, indescribable, overwhelming, panic filled, scary, hard to bare, suffocating.... it can make it anything and everything. But today, for me, it was hard. And on days like this my mind wonders to all the things that could be better in my life, dreams that I want to happen and my mind twist things, doubting myself, making things worse then the are in my head, and no matter how hard I try I cant get out of the head space. Even if life had less sign posts I still wouldn't know where I was ment to go.

People keep telling me that I can controll how I feel and I can choose to be Happy. But how?? I really don't understand that, maybe when I look back at this time i will think how silly I was for not knowing that I can choose to feel happy when I feel so down. I saw somewhere a quote (I love quotes), it said something along the lines of; Telling someone who has deprestion that they have lots to be happy about is like telling some who is asthmatic they should be able to breath as there is lots of air. Which I agree with, so many people don't understand mental health and the issue you can have with it. On days like today i feel like I am stuck on a path leading somewhere you can see with no one or nothing around you, and the wind and the cold and the rain are pushing you back, and you take one step forward to only take it back again. Today was a bit of a bad day, but at least I have tomorrow.

Monday, 29 December 2014

Don't eat the Ducks!!

So I have decided to start up this blog to talk about the good things and the bad things going on in my life as that way I can better understand them and reflect on things I have done. Also I can have this as an online scrap book! so I am starting 2015 early and on a high note.......

So Today, My Mum, Dad, and myself went to Talkin Tarn. It was beautiful, renewing and was nicce to feel the cold air (cheesey much?). I felt good today, after an interesting, tough, happy, sad, hard, tearfilled year it felt good to go out and excercise and see the beautiful things the God has created. It was lovely to sit and have a cup of tea at the edge of the Tarn people watching and seeing the joy in the children with their Grandparents. Children riding bikes just a little to close to the edge of the water and mothers shouts to stop and slow down! Extreamly excited dogs ready to rush off on their exciting walks, and one owned souted to her dog "Don't Eat the Ducks" (though I didn't see the dog at first and thought she was shouting to her child!!) And of course I can't leave out the ducks, swans and birds making all sort of noises as the are feed seed and stale bread!! Oh to be excited about such things!!